Industry News for OPTP

Plymouth, Minnesota 55447-0009
- OMCyriax Part I: Clinical Examination and Diagnosis, 283 pages.
- OMCyriax Part II: Treatment by Deep Transverse Massage, Mobilization,
Manipulation & Traction, 75 pages.
Orthopedic medicine deals with diagnosis and conservative treatment of soft tissue lesions of the locomotor system. The Orthopaedic Medicine Cyriax (OMCyriax) method, developed by Dr. J.H. Cyriax, focuses on two goals: to achieve a precise, useful diagnosis and to determine an efficient and safe treatment plan. For these reasons, a detailed knowledge of updated practical OMCyriax is essential.
These updated OMCyriax texts (Part 1 & 2) are designed for the practicing therapist and concentrate on the importance of diagnosis by using a standardized protocol for each joint. All techniques are explained in a very practical way, including problem solving tips. Some procedures have been optimized or become more patient and therapist friendly. The new standardized Cyriax Assessment Forms included in the texts make functional examination and assessment easier and more reliable. Illustrated with 430 pictures. Softcover.
OMCyriax visual formats are available to complement the texts and show correct body and hand placement for evaluations and techniques. Part I covers basic and accessory functional examination of the extremities and spine. Part II covers a practical illustration of all deep transverse massage, mobilization and manipulation techniques for the extremities and spine. Spinal traction procedures are also covered. VHS and DVD format options available.
OPTP offers many other manual therapy products and publications. For more information and a free catalog call OPTP toll-free at 1-800-367-7393, or write to PO Box 47009, Minneapolis, MN 55447. Visit our website at