Industry News for David Singer Enterprises

Clearwater, Florida 33755-4861
- Eight million children a year (about 10% of the school-aged population) are prescribed behavior and mind-altering psychiatric drugs for "learning and attention difficulties."
- Teenagers taking psychotropic drugs have committed more than half of the last 12 school shootings.
- Ritalin, the most commonly prescribed psychiatric drug for children, is currently administered to one in every 30 children between the ages of 5 and 18.
- Ritalin is classified in the same group of drugs as Opium, Morphine, Dexedrine and Cocaine; a side effect of its withdrawal is suicidal impulses. Side effects of its use include stunted growth, weight loss, manic behavior, future drug dependence, heart palpitations, cardiac arrythmia, anxiety, insomnia, violent behavior and even death.1
- Nadine Lambert, director School Psychology Program, UC Berkley's Graduate School of Education, Report to NIH, News release 5 May, 1999, p. 53
- John Boehner, Bill Introduced to Protect Parents from being forced to Medicate Students before School, News release 12 March, 2003
- Jan Eastgate, Bruce Wiseman, The Silent Death of America's Children © Citizens Commission of Human Rights.

Parents of school-aged children are finding themselves subjected to intense pressure to medicate their children at the wish of school administrators and counselors. Now, Dr. David Singer calls upon the powerful group composed of chiropractors and their patients to take effective action to protect parents' rights.
"Parents all around the country have been threatened with prosecution for medical neglect or child abuse if they do not agree to medicate their children in accordance with the wishes of school administrators and guidance counselors," Dr. Singer stated. "As chiropractors understand better than anyone the dangers of drugs, we, as a group and as individuals, must act to protect our children from this danger."
What are the facts of this epidemic of drug prescriptions?
Nationwide reports of coercion by school officials have led to legislation in 19 states that limits the power of school officials to use threats and coercion to administer psychiatric drugs. Now before the U.S. Senate is a new bill creating a mandate from the federal level that "protects children and their parents from being coerced into administering psychotropic medication in order to attend school, and for other purposes," known as the Child Medication Safety Act of 2003. This bill has passed in the House of Representatives and needs all possible support to pass in the Senate.
Max Burns (R-GA), a major sponsor of the bill, commented that "[T]he decision to medicate a child belongs in the hands of parents and their child's pediatrician or psychiatrist, not the public school system administrators. No parent should be forced to medicate a child in order for that child to attend school."2
To clarify the necessity for supporting this bill, Dr. Singer referred to the story of Shaina Dunkle. In 1999, Shaina was a beautiful eight-year-old girl in second grade when her teachers decided she was "too active" and "talked out of turn." The school psychologist pressured Shaina's mother, Vicky Dunkle, to have Shaina evaluated for ADHD. The psychiatrist doing the evaluation prescribed a psychiatric drug after a 30-minute evaluation and no tests or physical exams. Later, two more drugs were prescribed. On February 26, 2001, Mrs. Dunkle received the news that Shaina had suffered a slight seizure at school and had fallen out of her seat. Mrs. Dunkle took Shaina to the doctor but while there, Shaina began convulsing. As her mother held her in her arms, Shaina died. Mrs. Dunkle said, "As I held her in my arms, she looked into my eyes as her life ended and I could do nothing to save her. If I had followed my heart instead of the advice of OEprofessionals' who thought they knew my daughter better than I did, my precious Shaina would be alive now."3
Dr. Singer stated, "There are more than six million children in this country who are taking psychiatric drugs related to being labeled an ADHD sufferer. Our next generation is severely at risk and we must each act to reverse this situation."
He then explained how easy it can be to support H.R. 1170: "If each Chiropractor notifies their senators about their support of H.R. 1170 and encourages their patients to do the same, we can play a critical role in the passage of this bill and the protection of our children now and in the future." Anyone wishing to obtain a sample H.R. 1170 support letter and the address of their Senators can contact Fabian Padro at David Singer Enterprises by calling 800-326-1797.