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July, 2007 (Vol. 01, Issue 07)
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Chelsea Cooper performing incline dumbbell chest press. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Do not let the dumbbells touch. 3 Draw in your abs and keep your back flat against the bench. Do not arch your back.

4 Press both dumbbells straight up and then together by extending your elbows and contracting your chest. Do not let the dumbbells touch.

5 Pause at the top.

6 Slowly return the dumbbells toward your body by flexing your elbows and allowing your shoulders to relax.


Chelsea Cooper performing stability ball barbell press. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Keep toes pointed straight. Getting Started

1 Lie on a stability ball with the ball placed between your shoulder blades and head, with your head resting comfortably on the ball.

2 Maintain a bridge position by squeezing your glutes and keeping your shoulders, hips and knees at the same level.

3 Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, with toes pointed straight.

4 Hold the barbell at chest level.

Chelsea Cooper performing stability ball barbell press. - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark Stop just before your elbow joints are straight. Movement

5 Push the weight up, while keeping your elbows parallel. Stop just before your elbow joints are straight.

6 Lower the weight slowly until your elbow joints are in line with your shoulders.

7 Reverse the motion.

Good luck, and enjoy your workout! Next month, we'll focus on strengthening and toning the arms.

Chelsea Cooper, MPA, CPT, is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine as a personal trainer, performance enhancement specialist, and rehab and exercise specialist. To learn more, visit

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