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Survey Shows Fad Diets Not the Fad
South Beach, Atkins, and every other diet on the market these days may be out with the old, according to a recent national survey by America on the Move, a national non-profit organization that encourages improved health and quality of life by promoting a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.

A total of 2,339 U.S. adults, 18 and older, were polled concerning their efforts to lose weight/maintain a healthy weight and their opinions of a healthy diet and physical activity. The results of the survey showed that 69 percent of the respondents were less likely to try a fad diet today compared to five years ago. Sixty-six percent of the individuals had recently started a new activity, program or diet to lose weight or stay healthy. Overall, 71 percent understood the need for living healthy and eating right.

An active and healthy lifestyle is beneficial for work, play and family. For more information on how to benefit from changes in diet and which exercises are right for you, ask your chiropractor, or visit


America on the Move Adult Health Survey. Harris Interactive.
/PR Summary with data Youth FINAL.pdf

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